Domain Name Fixation

I have a fixation about domain names, perhaps the result of spending the better part of a year as before becoming Ideoplex. A good domain name is the foundation of your internet brand. And a bargain to boot (.com registration at GoDaddy is only $8.95/year).

Consider Steve Kirks’ mantra of upstreaming, commenting and application stability. These are hard problems. Solving them takes some thought, hard work and a lot of testing. Now consider domain names for Userland hosted weblogs. How hard is that?

I have no issue with Steve’s current focus. I think Radio has attained a reputation for feature richness over feature quality and upstreaming, commenting and application stability will go a long ways to correcting that.

But there is also the issue of competitive feature set. Domain names are a big bang for the buck. To my way of thinking; part of the core, competitive feature set.