If the only tool you have is a weblog ...

Maybe I’m missing something. But I just don’t understand the drive to use weblogs to solve all communication problems. Startup Skills.com sees weblogs as a competitive advantage that small businesses have over larger competitors. But isn’t that advantage another manifestation of small companies being nimbler, closer to customers and more responsive to customer needs? If you are going to be responsive, then a weblog gives you a platform to display it. But having a weblog isn’t going to make you responsive.

The problem with most corporate communication is that it is a one way message coming down from the mount. And I don’t think that having the CEO blog is going to change that. I want to see blogs from people who already interact with customers. How about having customer service blog on customer problems – what they are and how they solved. Or product marketing on how to apply the product effectively. Wouldn’t you like to see the right why to do laundry, where to put the rack in the oven for what, how to winterize and summerize your car, …