Juan Valdez Tridux

… [it has two starbucks coffee shops within in a one block radius] There is obviously no way it can be there and not compete with starbucks. My message was to clarify that it doesnt want to compete to reach such a large corporate scale.

reader comment clarification

And to clarify my original post on the Juan Valdez Cafe; my argument is that if a small entity is to successfully compete with a corporate entity, then it must do so on its own terms. The corporation has deeper pockets and institutional support, the small retailer counters with intimate knowledge of their customer base and responsiveness to their desires.

My concern is that a successful small retailer can usually be even more successful as part of a larger corporation - but chooses to remain small as a personal commitment. How will the Colombian Coffee Grower’s Association find and retain a leader who can compete with Starbucks on quality and customer satisfaction?